I’m looking for residents of Wisconsin that are having problems with Chase Home Finance and the HAMP modification. I am trying to compile a list for a Attorney in Milwaukee for a Class Action Suit against Chase Home Finance.
These attorneys are looking for a case that will make precedence in Wisconsin with regard to the HAMP modification program. There is an Attorney in MA that currently has a Class Action filed against Chase Home Finance and is willing to assist the attorneys here should there be enough homeowners that come forward to join this Class Action.
Current Class Action Case in MA:
My name is Christine King and I am interested in joining a class action case against Chase Bank. I have experienced just about everything others have discribed; from following their directions only to be told I then needed to do another task,told to send my morgage check to 4 different addresses in under 2years, acused of being late with a payment when in fact I was early, accepted into their loan modification progam, successfully completed their 3-month trial progam and then told "Congradulations you have been accepted into our loan modification program" and told to complete another 3-month trial period, told to send my check to the Ohio address by one Chase person and then when I called through one of their bank managers, to send my check to their attorney's,Grey and Associates, in Milwaukee,faxing proof of payments from when my morgage was with WaMau only to call and learn that this fax was received and then 2 months later they had no record of it, working with their bank manager in West Bend, where I live, and she being unable to speak with any one that could provide her with infomation to assist me, and on and on. This is just the tip of the iceburg and now I received a foreclosure notice with a subsiquent sheriff sale. Please, please is there any one that can help stop this madness?? I am a teacher and have taught in the Wisconsin Schools for the past 40 years. After retiring I have returned to keep up with this horrific situation. Thank you and I look forward to your response.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in joining a class action case against Chase Bank, AKA....Chase Home Finance
ReplyDeleteI can be contacted @ ptc37@hotmail.com.
ReplyDeleteIll get on it. Snowman28574@hotmail.com. veteran that got shafted. Contact for details.